A week or so in...  

Posted by: Maria

I have been working in the meat department now for just over a week and the results are pretty remarkable. I still don't look forward to going to work, (that would have me worried!)but I don't dread it any more. I keep busy, the day goes quickly and I can see what I am accomplishing. I hope that I am really contributing to making that department run. I know it is a lot easier on our meat cutters for sure.

I was off yesterday as was Mark (since it was primary day here in KY) and we got quite a bit done and now have plans to do more. I have had hostas growing along side the house for 20 years but there wasn't any demarcated bed there. Yesterday Mark and I bought some nice brick edgers and enlarged the bed out, just about doubling it. We also bought a hand cultivator since it is way too close to the house with too many big plants in it to do the rota tiller and when we were done, I put in 3 dozen lily of the valley plants which are one of my favorites and something I have wanted for a long time. The bed primarily gets morning sun so they should do well there. This morning after examining our work again, we decided that we are getting more edgers and instead of making one large garden for tomatoes, peppers etc, we are going to break it up into several smaller ones with the edgers making the edges. I like the idea and want to leave for work earlier this morning so I can get more edgers. We are using a really common type so years from now we will still be able to replace them if necessary. Now I just have to decided what we want to plant. I want one bed just for herbs so I will probably start there. Again, it is really nice to be able to see the results of your work!

Just what constitutes a day off?  

Posted by: Maria

OK, so today was what most people call a day off. I didn't have to work at the job that pays me to be there and accomplish tasks for them. I did have a doctor's appointment scheduled and MIL informed me that her doctor sent her a letter telling her she needed to come in and get the results of her tests... (never good when they call you in) but that was all I had scheduled for the day. The day off starts at 5:30 when my husband wakes me while he is getting ready to go to work. I doze off again until 6 when DS's alarm goes off. I get up before him so I can use the bathroom before he gets in there and locks the door for 30 minutes.

As soon as he leaves, I get in the shower and get dressed so I can leave early for my foot doctor's appointment since I have to have MIL at her doctor's appointment 1 hour after my scheduled time at MY doctor. Miracle of miracles, I get in within 5 minutes! They still don't know exactly what is wrong with my foot. The major pain is gone but now it is very sharp and localized. A week's worth of steroids is prescribed I go back in 3 weeks but no more cast.

I am out of the doctor before 9 so I decide I am going to hit the big W and get my groceries and my birthday present to myself a bright red Zune. I decide to drop my prescription off before I shop. Well, go figure, a new girl in the pharmacy. I wait more than 5 minutes while she takes care of the person in from of me, then she takes a good 10 minutes to put my information into the computer only to THEN tell me the prescription will take 30 minutes or more to fill. Great, I now have about 20 minutes before I absolutely must leave to get MIL to the dr. I get the prescription back but can do nothing about the lost 15+ minutes. I run through and pick up my groceries and then go to get the Zune which is $15 higher than the price on line. Turns out they don't honor the online prices. I can order it online and have it shipped to the store for free but I can't just walk into the store and pick it up for that price. What a crock, you KNOW it isn't actually shipped to them, they get the order, go grab one off the shelf and call me that it is in. They won't budge and neither do I, I leave without it. I head for check out and wonder of all wonders there are only 2 lanes open. So I wait some more. I finally hit the parking lot 5 minutes later than I wanted.

I called Tommy, I am running behind, make sure g-mom is ready to go and move the car out of the garage. I get to the house, the car is still in the garage, the lawnmower is parked so close to it, I can't even get to the car. Move the mower, move the car, pull the other car into the garage, get MIL in the car and off we go. We make it to the doctor with 3 minutes to spare...at least until our appointment time. We now wait for half an hour before we get called back. We then wait another 40 minutes until the doctor gets to us. Turns out, they never said anything in the letter about her coming in to get her results, in fact everything was fine and that is why they sent her the letter. That will teach me to actually see any messages from the doctor before I schedule another appointment. Turns out though that she has a sinus infection so she is on antibiotics again.

I have to go get her prescription filled so I drop her off to get her nails done while I hit the grocery and pharmacy. By the time I get her home, get everything unloaded and feed her lunch...it is 1:00.

I get home, fix some lunch and settle down in my lawn chair with my book and the dog has a massive seizure. It must have lasted 20 minutes all told. She came out and went back in twice. I hate those. She does not deserve that.

It is now 5 PM and my day is about gone so I think I will try and savor the last few hours before the crew heads home. No more days off until Sunday. *sigh* it's a good thing too, working is less stressful! :-)

Well I am back  

Posted by: Maria

much to my disappointment. Traveling with the MIL was rough to say the least. Stupid me booking a flight out of Louisville when they are Code Red because of Derby Weekend (OMG)it is just awful when the handicapped are treated like major security threats because they are in a wheelchair or wearing a cast... (although I do understand the necessity). Also a huge :-P to the ignorant persons working a Louisville Airport for not listening when I explained I was traveling with a handicapped passenger in a car with a handicapped tag and telling me I could park right next to the airport doors and not out in no man's land where the shuttle never shows up, (isn't wheelchair accessible anyway as we found out going back)and who can't understand when I say someone can't walk, that means they can't get on a plane that isn't wheelchair accessible without assistance! Good grief...

On the flip side, it was wonderful to be with my family, excellent that I got to see a myriad of cousins that I don't normally, phenomenal that my cancer battling SIL is doing better and beyond compare that I got to see all but 3 of my nieces and nephews this trip. I will post some pix later. I had a wonderful girls night out with my 7 yo niece and I never knew there was so much pink in the world...or at least at Michaels. And a spent some quality time with my head in the engine of a '66 Chevelle that can kick the ass of anything on the road. Not sure about that Sonoma truck though, just not my choice to play with... LOL

It is always very hard to come back to this. Well the washer has beeped so I'd better go dump everything in the dryer so I can go to work. Talk about depressing. I do believe it is time to seriously job hunt. That job is sucking the life out of me.