Ever wonder why...  

Posted by: Maria in

Some people feel that they can treat sales people like crap? Yesterday we had about every difficult person with a Sam's membership in the store. Like it is our fault that they changed employers and their old employer dropped them off their membership. Or they don't pay their membership and KNOW they haven't but yet feel they have the right to come in and purchase a cake or something without a membership. Hello? Read the sign: it is a club, you pay dues, you don't pay your dues, you are not a member! We are also not responsible because you don't like the way something is packed. If you don't want 3 gallons of bleach, buy it somewhere else. Don't think you can take one bottle out of the box and we will make an exception and sell you just one. We cannot!

Hey! Are you getting the idea that yesterday was not fun? Worse than that, I get to do it again today and again tomorrow. And Tuesday, my first day off in 7, they want to call me and do conference call, at 2 in the afternoon so I have to be here, never mind that I may have plans for my day OFF!

Oh boy, I am on a tear this morning. I guess I'd better get moving, get dressed and get out of here before I convince myself not to go at all :-) *big smile* Sam's Club, how may I help you?????????? LOL

A little time off  

Posted by: Maria

Today is a slow day for me and I am using that term loosely. I don't have to be at Sam's until 4:30 and I am closing in the liquor room so it will be an easy night and I will be off my feet. I did get up this morning and finish grading my mid term exams and getting all their grade information into Excel. By the time I finished messing with all that and got my lessons and assignments ready for next week it was after noon time. I have to leave here about 3:30 so that doesn't leave much "me" time. :-)

It is a gloomy, dreary day here. We had some severe storms all around us last night but fortunately nothing hit here. It is making my arthritis ache though and I am back to wearing the brace on my left hand. I woke up in the night and couldn't move that hand without terrible pain. Since I have already been on 2 drugs that have been recalled, I am not taking anything stronger that Tylenol Arthritis and I only take that when the pain is too much to take.

I am really in a mood today. There is a lot that I want to get done but I don't really feel like doing any of it. I am of a good mind to go ahead and curl up with a book and just call in tonight. I won't though becasue I know then that someone else will have to pick up the slack and it is already very lean in there.

I am so anxious to see my son who is in Maryland and I want to go to NJ and see my family and friends. I haven't been home since last August and that is way too long with new babies and everything. Not to mention wanting to be around people who you know (and know you) by heart.

I was thinking the other day about who I would invite when I graduate with my Masters. There are a couple of people from my old job who are the dearest friends in the entire world. My family, I would love to have my mom and brothers there. My "lost" friend because I don't know where I would be without him. Pam in TX because she never has stopped being a support base. There is no one from this job though that I would even think of inviting and I have been there a year. I have not made any friends there nor do I want to. This job is a deep depression for me and that tars everything around it. I get up and I go there because I have to, not because I want to. I have never looked forward to one day of this job. That is a sad way to spend your time.

and just for good measure  

Posted by: Maria

I started this blogging originally to try and keep up with a friend. We have parted ways but I think of him so very often. I just want to say, if by chance you read this, I miss you. You have been on my mind so much lately.. Be safe and be happy.

love you,

Another day in Paradise... LOL  

Posted by: Maria

Well I went to NCBT yesterday and had my annual evaluation. It went well but it is always nerve wracking to have someone sitting in your classroom analyzing everything you say and how you say it. I am glad that is over. After four hours of class, I ran to Wal-Mart and stocked up on the cleaning supplies that I used up on Tuesday and then went to Sam's for a 7 hour shift. We were packed and after my partner left at 7 (she was supposed to leave at 5) I was the only COS on the floor. That would have been ok if I hadn't been short a tobacco person and have 8 people who needed breaks at 7! We made it through though as usual.

Today I have to work 9-4. It's raining so probably my cart person won't show up. It's Thursday so we will be busy with the people trying to beat the weekend rush (which creates it's own rush). I am glad to be on the early shift. I want to come home and sew.

It is amazing to me that just a 1/2 an hour or so of stitching can make such a difference in the way you feel. I hadn't done any stitching in a long time and then stumbled on a pattern that caught my interest and I would be whipping through it if I didn't have to work. I will try and post a picture tomorrow. I was so "enthused" that I went and ordered a bunch of patterns the other day and now I can't wait for them to come. The first thing I have to work on is Sweetheart Tree's http://thesweethearttree.com/products/SV-068lg.jpg Irish Blessing Sampler which I am making for friends who are getting married in June. I love Sweetheart Tree stuff. I also ordered http://www.pawprintings.com/blueberrybasket.htm Paw Printing's Blueberry Basket sampler and http://thecatswhiskers.net.au/djclosed.html The Cat's Whiskers Dragonfly jewels box. Both of these designers are new to me. I loved the colors and the layouts so I thought I woud give it a try. I got a little carried away but now I have something great to look forward to. :-) All I need is more hours in the day.

Days of Whine...  

Posted by: Maria

I cannot believe I haven't been here for a year. Frankly I am surprised that it is still available to me. If Bonnie hadn't started one herself, I may have forgotten all about it.

Update...still teaching at NCBT, this will probably be my last semester though since I will be started work on my Master's in the fall. My "main" job (much to my chagrin) is as a floor supervisor at Sam's Club. I hate it, I hate working retail but right now it is paying the bills.

Number one son joined the Army reserve and graduated BCT at the end of March and is now doing AIT until July. While I hate the thought of what is to come for him in the Army, I am so very proud of him. He is excelling and is currently first in his class. I absolutely loves it.

Number two son is a month shy of finishing middle school..That's scary too. I don't know how they grew up so quickly and start to move on with their own lives. Four years will pass in a blink I am sure.

I gained a new nephew that I have yet to hold and probably won't get a chance to hold until August when I head north for my family reunion. That just stinks. I really miss my family.

I got 2 whole days off last week and spent both with my friend Becky. Last Friday we went with a bunch of friends to the Country Manor Tea Room in Demossville and on Sunday we took her grandson and my son and went to the Georgetown Kite Festival . A good time was had by all. After 18 days of working one job or the other or BOTH, to have some time off was a blessing and a definate NEED!

Time to go grade midterms for my Micro class. Next week will bring term papers. *sigh* no rest for the wicked I suppose! LOL