It's been a while
PostedI am still around but my life has taken on an uncontrollable momentum. I am now working full-time in the meat department. It's not bad. Lil is still trying to settle into her new home. We still don't have the house cleaned out so we can get it onj the market but with the current state of the economy, it probably doesn't matter much.
I haven't really been sewing, just haven't been in the mood but now that the weather is getting cooler, I will probably get back into it. I have been reading a lot and working on my family tree. I am trying to get everything put back ino it since I lost everything when I lost my computer. I am up to just over 4000 people and am not finished yet. That's 30 years of work that now is backed up 3 ways to Sunday!
Tom still hasn't found a job and I am beginning to gt a little uptight about that. We are both getting too old to be job hunting.
We had the remanents of Hurricane Ike visit Sunday with up to 90 mph winds the area suffered substancial damage. Fortunately, we only totally lost one tree but lost most of our one and only pear tree, half an apple tree and another huge portion of a maple that is WAY too cloes to the house. Our electricity was out for about 18 hours which was remarkably good considering a lot of people STILL don't have power.
Well I need to get another load of laundry going...