That is today's quote from Lord Chesterfield.
I guess dear Lord Chesterfield was a British statesman, I am not...well I guess I should say that I am neither, British or a statesman; meaning sometimes oh heck, a lot of the time I just speak my mind. somehow, LC ended up as my quote of today and it fits my "topic" of choice.
I apparently made a comment on a friend's blog that has some folks up in arms because I agreed with the blog. Never mind that neither I or the blogger mentioned any one's names or any other identifying characteristics... I just thought a lot of her comments were as another great Brit would say "spot on".
You know what? Tough nuts. Very few folks even know I blog and those that do, I have told selectively. Now apparently there are a lot of people who want to come here and make comments about me and my life so I have now chosen to add comments only by moderation because if I haven't invited you, how about this, I don't care about you or what you have to say. NOW if you have something intelligent to say or you want to have an intellectual argument about something I put out there that is different... Just don't come dump trash in my lawn.
TOODLES! *oh gag me*
Calming Chicken Dog Jello Shots
1 month ago
May God bless you, Maria. You are a very special soul indeed. Thank you again for everything you did for my sister...she loved you and felt a special bond with you and she would be here backing up every decision you made if she was here right now. You have all of my support, love and understanding.
Joanie would have beat us all to this punch a long time ago.
She is most certainly sitting on her little pink cloud laughing now.