I am the  

Posted by: Maria

daughter, g-granddaughter, niece, cousin, sister and mother of the United States military. My family and ancestors have served this country in military engagements since King Phillip's War in the late 1600's. I am a daughter of the American Revolution (more than once), Daughter of the Union Veterans (3X over) and a dyed in the wool, red blooded American from the day of my birth. I bring this up because last night I had a member make a comment about the T-shirt I wore to work last night.

When I was in Ft. Jackson, SC for my son's graduation from boot camp, there was a display in the PX of red shirts. There was a message there that they were asking all Americans who supported our troops to wear red on Fridays. It is believed that this group of people is a minority...wearing red is a way of showing your support. I purchased a red T there that has a picture of the flag on it and says "Real Americans Support Our Troops". This is what I was wearing last night, along with my "Army Mom" pin that is always on my work vest and the 2 dog tag "Shields of Strength" that I wear for my son and his friend.

Well I was standing at one of the registers helping one of my cashiers with an issue when I heard someone say "only an idiot would wear a shirt like that in public". I looked up to see who/what the person was talking about and realized it was me. I said "excuse me?" and she proceeded to give me a lecture on America's foreign policy, our "terroristic" troops (yes, she did have the brass to actually say that) and that I should be ashamed of supporting such an endeavor. There were at the time lines of people waiting to check out listening to all this. I was absolutely FLOORED and utterly speechless...(I know no one is going to believe that). My cashier bless his heart said to the woman "Is that your son with you?" She had a young boy maybe 12-13 with her and she said it was. He said "Well this woman that you just berated has a 2 sons who are active military, who joined voluntarily in a time of national engagement. They are serving our country so someday with God's grace, your son will not have to." By this time I am in tears and struggling to maintain my composure. People started to clap. I put my hand on the cashiers back and thanked him and turned to walk away. Then I heard people starting to make comments to the woman and I turned around and asked them not to do that because she is entitled to her opinion just as I am entitled to not agree with it. Then I walked away. I was at our podium still trying to pull myself together as people who had witnessed this started walking out thanking me for my sacrifice and telling my to thank my sons' for theirs. Needless to say, I had to leave the floor for a few minutes. :-)

This morning I am still trying to make sense of that woman and I have come to the conclusion that there is no way to make sense of her or her reaction to my shirt. I am NOT going to stop wearing my patriotic clothing or jewelery. If someone doesn't like it, I am sorry but...well tough. The verses that are on my shields are
Joshua 1:9
I will be strong and courageous. I will not be terrified or discouraged; for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go.

and my favorite, Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings of eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.

I bought these for my soldiers but I can now see that they apply to their families as well. We are the pillars in a society that is fed by the media, where the good that is being done is not shown and our military and our President are portrayed as liars and opportunistic terrorists. My opinions of our President and our national position on this war are irrelevant. It really does not matter. What does matter is that everyday our sons and daughters, husbands, wives, sisters, and brothers are standing together to support and defend our rights to whatever opinions we want to hold. So you are damn right, I support our troops. I will do so every day that I draw breath and I just pray that the woman starts to think about who gives her the right to open her mouth and spout whatever she feels like. It is the blood of soldiers from families just like my own. God Bless them.

For more about:
Red Shirt Fridays
Military Moms
A Million Thanks
Proud Army Moms...Military moms rocked the cradle, now we rock the world.

This entry was posted on Saturday, June 02, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


ok so I want to find out where I can get one of those shirts. I didn't know anything about Red Shirt Fridays, and I'd love to wear one to my workplace on Fridays.

All I can say is its a good thing I wasn't there when that idiot made her comments. She would have been wearing a brand new vacuum cleaner between her butt cheeks...or any other large appliance close by! People with those opinions should move to another country.

I am a proud American too, Maria-- and I always thank veterans when I am told they served our country-- and I call them 'heroes'... because that is what they truly are, and they deserve all the respect in the world for their sacrifices.

Even though I know it is better not to react to crazy and rude comments -- I still kind of wish you had said you slapped her right across her face until her cheeks matched your shirt. Can't help it. Ticks me off, people like that.

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