Still Stitching  

Posted by: Maria in , , ,

but apparently not blog posting! LOL Things are busy and days fly by without much down time. So I have finished three more of the Nordic Needle Book Marks They are wonderful to work on, fun to stitch and sometimes a bit challenging! Here is February:


And then April came... It may be my favorite pattern of all so far.  It was the color that got me though.  The entire time I was stitching this one it made me think of a high school friend that I have reconnected with.   Since the pattern was smaller than the others there was space at the top and bottom so I found a small alphabet and put her name on it and it is now winging it's way to Virginia Beach!  I hope she likes it!!

I also ordered some lovely threads from Carrie's Creations to make at least one more of these.  While I like the stars, I think you could put in Rhode's Hearts or Butterflies so I want to give that a try.  I love the flower motif and the simple yet elegant corners so there are more coming I am sure.  It was also quick to work off.

Other than that, the count down until I hit the half century mark is under 30 days now.  Mark's graduation is 6 weeks away.  Izzy is growing so fast I can't keep up.

I love this face!!
 I have times when I wish time would just stand still for one moment...let me catch my breath and absorb everything that it going on but if it did, THEN what would we miss?
OK, off to the dentist for me to replace my temporary crown for the permanent one!  One less issue!!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 and is filed under , , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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