well crap  

Posted by: Maria

I am off for 2 days and was planning on making some Christmas goodies so since I had to take groceries to my MIL's last night, I got some baking stuff as well. I got to my MIL's and she is all wrapped up in a blanket...not normal at all. Then she starts with this huge wracking cough. After a huge fight, Tom took her to the ER and sure enough, she has pneumonia yet again. She is a COPD patient so it is overly easy for that to happen. She is insistant she is not going to be admitted to the hospital and is being nasty and argumentative. So instead of being able to stay home today I now have to go get her prescriptions and such. I will probably be coming right back but just the fact that I have to get dressed and go...blah.

To top it off I am having one of those days where all I want to do is cry, the weather is cold and dreary and I can't get interested or motivated in anything. I did get a bracelet made but I am not happy with it so it will have to come apart. I was stitching an ornament and messed that up too. I guess I will stop and rent a tear jerker movie on the way home and then at least I will have a reason to cry huh?

This entry was posted on Friday, December 07, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


Ahhhh, Maria, I am so sorry! Hope you got to sit and breathe and relax today. And stitch! Hey, when are you going to put a link so I can subscribe to your blog and not have to check every day to see if you posted?? LOL Guess I need to be good like you and post too huh?

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