a couple of cards  

Posted by: Maria

I have been having more fun playing with these. The red card is made in a "pyramid" manner with that mandala made of 5 or 6 layers, each one cut out and then glued on the next. I need to get some mounting tape so it looks more 3D.

The blue/green card is done with tea bag tiles. i just love the colors in this one.

Most all of my "motivation" is coming from the ladies at the Circle of Crafters. They have great information and links to lots of supplies and ideas. Check them out!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


I am really in awe of all these "teabags"! Wonderful. I may have to see what Zachary and I can do this summer.

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