
Posted by: Maria

This is mommy on her nest.

And if you look very carefully you can see one of the little buggers trying to peek out! They have gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of days too.

This is my sunflower star. This border is a booger. I have already frogged one portion of the border. I like how it looks though!

And this is my first clematis bloom of the year. It looks whiter than previous years. They are usually quite lavender.

My dog got a bath and she isn't happy. My MIL has osteomyelitis (a deep bone infection)in her foot and she isn't happy. I had to change her packing and dressing today and UGG... I wasn't happy.

It is however a beautiful day and I am going to take my sewing, my audiobook (The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer OMG good!) and a cold drink out on the patio and relax for the hour and a half I have before someone comes back home.

That's all I got folks!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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