Zendala #23  

Posted by: Maria

I have recently gotten involved more in art journaling, doodling and zentangles.  I have lots of art supplies and really playing with them is a nice stress reliever. I am addicted!  I was browsing Pinterest and came across something from The Bright Owl . When I checked it out, I discovered that she posts a Zendala (a zentangle in mandala form) every week as a challenge.  I decided I would give it a shot. It took me an evening and all day today but I finally finished.  I did mine on the full size form she provided and that is a LOT of inking.  Some I like, some I am not so happy with but I gave it my best shot.  I can't wait to see what next Saturday brings! :-) It isn't a great scan either.  Don't know why it is so gray.  Oh well.  I don't think it is bad for a first attempt.

Thanks Bright Owl!

This entry was posted on Monday, September 17, 2012 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


I think you did great! Your zendala is beautiful.

Nice, I like the effect of embroidery and ribbon over the edge! bravo

hard work... and beautiful!!!

It is very beautiful!

This Zendala is wonderful. You chose some great patterns to decorate.


Really pretty! I love the egg shapes.

Lovely! You've put a lot of work into this, and it's beautiful.

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