Procrastination AND Progress  

Posted by: Maria

Well I guess I am not all that dedicated to this blog since it has been 8 days since I last posted. The good news I guess is that I have been busy doing other things. Still no job but I have made some progress.

I got my MAT application in the mail on Wednesday and have it mostly filled out. I am working on the essays which aren't difficult except for trying to say what I want in 300 words or less! For me that's a problem. :-) I still need to get a job though or I can't afford $450/credit hour. Who am I kidding? I still can't afford it. Tom is pitching a fit. Oh well, that's what financial aid is for.

OK, more progress is on the stitching front. I finished M designs's Dragonflies, Ladybugs and Bees Oh My! It is really cute and I have yet to decide on a finishing option although I have thought about it quite a bit. All the samplers that are going into my "who knows if it will ever be finished" dining room are garden or bee related so this will fit right in. I guess then the debate becomes whether I should frame it or make a wall hanging. That decision will come when I find either the perfect frame or the perfect fabric. It would be cute to do a quilted wall hanging. It's pretty good sized to at 10 1/2" square.

I am currently working on Patricia Andrele's Christmas House and was making great progress yesterday until I discovered I was one row off where the roof met the top of the house. It took me half an hour to find where I had made the mistake and then I was so disgusted with how much I thought I had to rip out that I put it down fulling trying to decide whether to trash it and start all over or not since this is a two layer piece with an intricate border. There was no way I could manage leaving a mistake like that. Walking away was a good idea though because about an hour later it dawned on me that I just had to remove the roof and realign it. While that was time consuming, it was nothing compared to ripping out the house itself! I almost have the roof back on as of this morning.

Our weather is changing over to nasty, damp fall stuff with a lot of rain last night and much cooler temperatures coming up this weekend. As a result, my arthritis is realy kicking up and I was forced to go and replace my worn out splint and I need to go buy another one. Generally in the past it has been my left hand that was the problem, this year my right is chiming in as well and I think I am going to have to start wearing splints on both hands at night. I also need to break out the lavendar oil and my paraffin bath. What a miserable problem for a stitcher!

OK, back to stitching and my essays...ok, essays first!

This entry was posted on Friday, October 21, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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