It's only Monday  

Posted by: Maria

Last week was a total blur. It was a week of emotional ups and downs as I dealt with problems my sister is causing, an interview for a job that I desperately want, and the death of my friend's brother. I tried to unwind a bit over the weekend but that never really happened and today I was back in the rat race with some consulting work that I thought was completed and today I had to do another 6 hours of work on making changes. I normally don't mind that but I don't like to rush and because someone else didn't do their job, I am now down to the wire on time with this.

Not much stitching going on. I am up to the beading on the 2005 JCS ornament issues design by Patricia Ann. All the letters and numbers are beaded and they are BIG so it's going to take a while. It's pretty though all in golds and white. I would love to stitch it again in silvers and blues like her Silver Frost sampler. That is one of my favorite pieces and I adore the colors in it.

I just finished reading Dorothea Benton Frank's Isle of Palms and I doing something light now by reading Monica Ferris' latest. Poor Goddy!

Enough, I am heading to the shower, pj's, a cold drink and the rest of my book. The heat is here for a couple of days and then Fall comes rushing back in. I am not a lover of cold weather but right now I am so sick of the mosquitoes that I will take the cooler weather to get rid of them! Ciao!

This entry was posted on Monday, October 03, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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