The best plans  

Posted by: Maria

Well I spent most of the day yesterday finishing up a series of PowerPoint presentations I had been commissioned to do so I didn't actually get to try and start stitching until almost 2:00. It was a stunningly beautiful day here so I moved my sewing machine outside and finished up the 2 bowls that I had cut out on Sunday. By that time the boys were home from school and I was in homework/dinner mode and was back and forth to the computer dealing with comments from the PP's and trying to find missing pieces to complete them.

When things finally settled down, I pulled out fabric and started stitching the Britty Christmas Kitty in the JCS 2005 issue. I had a good part of it stitched before I realized it was supposed to be over one thread so I ripped it all out and started over. It is really cute. I finished up the cat this morning and have started on the tree. It wasn't the one I had planned on doing first but I loved the simple graceful lines of the cat and since my black thread was sitting right there, I didn't have to pull out the thread boxes and look for colors for something else. Pretty lazy huh?

I did get some pictures taken and sme scans made and I can get them up on my web page this afternoon. There will be new fabric bowls and boxes and a page with my Christmas things. This piece is one that I made for an exchange partner. It will be made into a pillow so the fabric you see on the side is what it will be set together with. I love the colors and can't wait to make another one of them. It's something different for sure.

OK, off to the gym for me and then several errands that can't wait!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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