Not bad for a Tuesday  

Posted by: Maria

I spent today in Frankfort working with a great group of educators putting together a training module for the Kentucky Leadership Academy on engaging parents in schools. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun since I had the chance to work with people who all are dedicated to the children of Kentucky! I brought home some things to flesh out and there is another meeting in October to finalize things. I am glad I got to be a part of it.

Today is DH's birthday so after dinner we all went out for ice cream. A nice way to end a LONG day.

No sewing today. I am reading another Dorothea Benton Frank book Plantation and after 7 hours work working on the module and 3 hours of driving, that's about all I have the energy for.

I looked for the new Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue today but it still isn't on the stands here yet. I can't wait to get it there are a number of nice ornaments this year that I am anxious to stitch. Maybe tomorrow I will spend my time putting together the ones I already have stitched so I am ready to jump into the new ones when I finally locate a copy of the magazine!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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