Keeping busy  

Posted by: Maria

Well since I last wrote, I have finished my Christmas Exchange project for the Counting Our Blessings board, made 3 fabric boxes and 2 fabric bowls with 2 more cut out. I think I am doing a craft show in November so I need to get busy. I am having fun though.

Today I finally found my JCS Ornament issue today so I can't wait to get started on that. There are some really cute ideas there. Some great designs but also some really neat finishing ideas. I am always up for something new!

Well hopefully tomorrow I can get some of the ornaments I have stitched scanned and on my page. I have really been stitching up a storm. The only one of my September goals I haven't reached is finishing Dragonflies and Ladybugs I am on the 3rd side of the border and really should work some more on it. Maybe I will get to it tomorrow. I think I will stay put all day tomorrow and just sew.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 26, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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