
Posted by: Maria

I think I am hooked. I was on MSN games and downloaded a trial version of Sudoku. I had never seen it before and I am NOT a math puzzle person. I was so bad at it that I didn't even complete the first puzzle before the trial version ran out. It intrigued me though! I went and picked up an easy Sudoku book at our local Barnes and Noble and I have spent the afternoon learning more about it. I just solved my first puzzle completely on my own! Now I know they are easy puzzles so I am not too excited but I don't like to be bested by something and now I know I can do it I will be able to move on to harder puzzles. They are really fun to do.

Here is a neat website that you can check Sudoku if you want to learn more.

I guess rain is moving in here and tomorrow is looking like it might be torrential at times. That doesn't make me too happy since I have to be in Lexington tomorrow afternoon and it will be late when I head home. I really hate driving in the rain in the dark! Can't be helped I guess. It makes it worse that the deer are all over right now too, even in the daytime which is unusual.

While I am listing websites you need to check out Making Strides Against Breast Cancer I do this walk every year in honor of my grandmother,mother, sister in law, cousins, friends and co-workers who have sent this terrible disease on it's way. If you feel you can lend a hand please do. You never know who you might be helping!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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