Moving on  

Posted by: Maria

Well here is Christmas house as of last night when I finished stitching for the day. The door is finally on! Cripes, I thought I would never get it. Why does the simple stuff take the longest? Maybe I was too complacent while I was stitching it. In any case it is there now.

I put Christmas house aside today to work on
M Designs' Dragonflies, Ladybugs and Bees Oh my! I am working on the border and since the lettering is all done over one, it takes a long time. It is lovely though.

I just dropped my oldest son off at a "Support our Troops" Rally in Independence. They are having it in honor of the 4th anniversary of the September 11th bombings. I cannot believe that it has been 4 years. I can still see those images behind my eyes and I know that I will never forget the pain of that day. Four years later my brother has had to leave his family to serve in Germany and my oldest son gets community service hours for school by helping implement a rally to support our military. Like we don't do that every single day! God bless America!

That brings us to another, more recent tragedy Hurricane Katrina. For those of you who are stitchers, M Designs has created a Pray ornament and is giving the pattern away for free. They would like you to make a donation to the Red Cross or Salvation Army or some other group assisting with the tragedy but it isn't required. There are also links to groups that are working on donations and things so you might find something else that inspires you if the RC and SA do not.

OK, That's it for today. I am heading back to my stitching and then we are going to dinner to night at Famous Dave's compliments of a friend. If you are a BBQ fan or have ever eaten at Dave's you know we are LUCKY to have this friend! Thanks Denny! YUMMMM!

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 11, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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