
Posted by: Maria

Well I was notified this morning that I am being considered for a much desired position. Now I have been out of work for nearly 6 months and I have been applying for anything and everything that might remotely be in my field and recently things that don't even come close since in KY you get 6 months of unemployment period.

I really want this job. A lot. I would be able to stay in my field, work with schools I already know and for people I know and respect greatly. I am at that stage in my life when that is important.

So today I will spend the day chilling. Make a nice dinner for my family, finish some work that's on my desk, maybe get a little stitching in and try to NOT think about possibilities. OK, I will try to not think too much about possibilities.

This entry was posted on Friday, September 16, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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