
Posted by: Maria

Today marks my 21st anniversary. I find that hard to believe.

It also marks the birthday of a good friend. I won't say his age but I will say I find that hard to believe too. We met in HS and since we haven't seen each other in years, he still looks the same in my mind. I guess that's a nice thing. Happy Birthday Rusty!

No news here at all since the last entry other than my MIL had a chest ultrasound and they didn't find a clot there either so either it never existed at all and the leg swelled up for some other reason or the clot was so small that the medicine they gave her dissolved it. In any case we can breathe a sigh of relief.

Well I am off to Lexington today and I am hoping that the weather doesn't turn too nasty. Right now the sun is shining but it is really overcast. I think I will leave earlier than I need to and see if I can beat the rain at least in one direction! It'll also give me a chance to visit Joseph Beth Booksellers if I can get out of here early enough.

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 15, 2005 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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