Fun day sort of...  

Posted by: Maria

Had to take MIL to the doctor this morning for her follow up visit and to check out her cough and the rash on her legs. Looks like simple allergies for the cough and a reaction to some medicine that they gave her at the re-hab place causing the rash. Hopefully both will be resolved shortly.

He said it would be ok for her to make the trip so I bought our tickets to go east at the end of the month. I cannot wait. By taking Tommy with us, we can fly out of Louisville rather than Covington and even with buying 3 tickets instead of 2 we saved over $200. It stinks that there is an airport practically in my own backyard that I pay taxes to support and I have to pay for gas to drive 100 miles to get a decent airfare.

After the doctor, I took her to have her hair styled and then to have her nails done. After that, we went to lunch. I took her home and she was asleep almost as soon as her butt hit her chair! lol She had a great time and couldn't stop smiling. It was fun that there was a baby in the restaraunt that kept smiling and waving to her. I know she can't wait to get to Joe's and see baby Grace, Sidra and Dade.

I came home by myself and Ab's and I had peace and quiet until after 6 since Mark and Tom went back to Lil's to have dinner and watch a movie. We were able to get outside when there was a break in the rain and I got her running a bit. I came in and finished my book (Allison Brennan's The Prey) and put together a couple of tea bag medallions. Just watched the Ghost Whisperer and now it is time to get my shower and get settled for the night. I am working both days this weekend, 9-5. Oh well, vacation's coming. Amen for that.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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