Woohoo Friday off!  

Posted by: Maria

Thank goodness since it is the first day of an open house at Sam's and it will be nuts with anyone able to shop even if they are not a member. I do have to work tomorrow though so I am sure I wil get paid back for being off today. Tomorrow will be a LONG day since I have to get up a 4 to take DS#1 to Battle Assembly and then go to work at 9. I get off and 5 and have to go pick up DS#2 at my MIL's. I am sure by the time I get home, I will be ready to drop.

We started this morning on a roll. There evidently was a 5.4 earthquake in southeastern Illinois about 5:30 this morning and it rolled right on up here. It only lasted a few seconds and there was no damage but we felt it. Mark slept right through it. I was already awake though.

I have made good progress on Desert Star. I have finished all the little squares around the edges and have started the first of 4 rounds of stitching around the border. If you look at the star from the other day, the borders will go to the point on the outside squares so I have a bit to go. I am enjoying it though. Last night I was just too tired to stitch since I worked early and then had running to do, came home and helped DS#2 put together a wheelbarrow and fixed dinner. (yummy stuffed salmon, sauted aspsragus and mushrooms and fresh strawberries for dessert)

OK, I am going to get some stitching done this morning before I go get my MIL. I need to take her to get a picture ID made for the trip.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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