MY Time!  

Posted by: Maria

Off for the entire day again today, no Sam's, no national. My final exam is ready to be copied for next week so my time at National is rapidly winding down. After my class yesterday I went food shopping and treated myself to some snow crab legs (which I cooked in tomato sauce and served with linguine last night as a late birthday dinner) and a beautiful strawberry cheese cake from the bakery at Sam's. Today will be left overs. With Tommy gone, that cake will last a week or better if I can keep Mark from cutting his own size pieces.

Tom leaves tomorrow afternoon for his Taekwondo instructors camp in Evansville, IN. He will be gone until some time on Sunday. I am seriously thinking about going to an auction on Saturday with Mark since I don't have to be at work until 3.

Today I am doing laundry and working in Sweetheart Tree's Irish Blessing sampler that I am making as a wedding gift for friends of ours who are getting married in a couple of weeks. It won't be done by then but I don't think they will mind. It will work off quickly but I won't be able to have the mats cut and the framing done in time.

OK, back to my stitching and enjoying our somewhat gloomy day. It looks like the sun may come out but it is still very cool! Later folks!

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 17, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .



So glad you got some time to yourself, Maria! The picture you posted is so beautiful and serene looking. I bet your whole house is just beautiful.

That's not my house Bonnie! That is the picture of the piece I am working on. I took it from the Sweetheart tree web site!

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