
Posted by: Maria

Well today my Wednesday class had to give their presentations and surprisingly enough they were a lot better than the original papers for the most part. It is a wonderful thing when as an instructor you can finally see the light bulb come on and connections made. If the class ended today, I would be content that they would have learned enough in my class so far to be prepared for what is to come.

Other than that and the fact that I still have 16 tests to grade (what was I thinking to make them all fill in answers?) not much is going on. My son has made the arrangements to spend his first 4 day pass with my brothers and my mom in NJ. He is taking the train from Baltimore and is really excited about it. I wish he was coming home but I know that this is one more step on his road to independence so I am keeping my mouth shut for once. I am glad he is excited about it!

It is muggy and hot here in KY and it looks as though we are pretty much going from winter to summer in a matter of days. Crazy how this weather moves.

I got a new grand niece this week. Little Grace showed up on Sunday. Her daddy is my godson Joe (who was also my first nephew and since he won't see this, my favorite!). I already have a birth sampler stitched for her and I just need to put the name and date on it.

I finished my DMC freebie pattern of the Orchid this week. It is really pretty and I think I will have to do the Iris as well. I already have the fabric cut and the threads pulled so now all I need it time. I am off on Friday and we are supposed to have rain so if that's the case, I think I may be stitching!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 09, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .



Congratulations on the new grand niece! And Maria-- the orchid is so beautiful... I didn't even realize it was stitched until you mentioned it. It's SO nice! I love the simplistic effect and design. It's lovely. I can't wait to see the iris.

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