Zoning out  

Posted by: Maria

Well yesterday (other than the obligatory conference call) was very relaxing. Doggie and I spent most of the day out in the yard making sure my new anti-gravity chair worked, finishing my Nancy Martin book and doing laundry. OK, so the dog didn't really help with laundry or reading the book but she did decide that the shade under the back of the chair was a good resting spot while I read. That's teamwork huh? LOL

Today I had class this morning and I let them go early since they have a ton of work due next week. Now I have 23 term papers to read before next week. Just as I was letting class out, my stylist called and she had a cancellation so I was able to get in for a much needed "shearing" every time I go she takes off more. It is full of layers and so much lighter now it feels wonderful. She works wonders. After that I picked Tom up from the house he was working on, went to pick up Frontline for Abby and hit Wal-Mart for new clothes line and a new frying pan among other goodies Which included some of the new FritoLay Flat Earth fruit crisps. http://flatearth.cachefly.net/main.html I bought the berry ones and the apple cinnamon ones. They are really yummy.

I needed to replace my clothes line because it was falling apart and yesterday I only had enough to hang one set of sheets out. I love drying my sheets outside. They always smell so good and I feel like I am sleeping outside. Clothes line was a definite necessity.

After I got home today I started reading the Widow of the South by Robert Hicks. http://www.widowofthesouth.com/ I am an amateur genealogist and Civil War nut so this book is right up my alley. What this woman did is so remarkable.

Tomorrow should be spend perusing the term papers and I am planning on stitching. I probably need to pay some bills as well as they just won't go away much to my chagrin. LOL Can't imagine why! It's supposed to be a rainy day tomorrow so it will be good to stay put and be cozy.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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