Peaceful, Easy Feeling!  

Posted by: Maria

Got moving early this morning but I didn't move far. I took my dog and my stitching and headed for the patio where I started working on the companion piece to the just finished Orchid. For such simple looking pieces they are amazingly complicated to stitch in some places...well not hard, just a lot of color and strand # changes. That takes up a lot of "stitching" time LOL It's a gorgeous day out there and not to hot right now so I think that is my place until I have to get ready for work.

Yesterday was my mom's and my SIL's birthdays. I tried calling my mom but she must have been out celebrating. I need to call my SIL this morning. She is recovering from surgery for colon cancer so I have been trying to not bug her so she can get her rest. She is doing ok but we are still praying for things to come to a happy conclusion.

I bought Josh Turner's "Your Man" album yesterday I have been enjoying that. I love his voice! Right now playing on his site is "Me and God" with Ralph Stanley. Check it out! I was looking for Alison Krauss' "A Hundred Miles or More", I can't believe that Sam's has sold out of it so quickly but it was gone. My music collection is eclectic to say the least. I buy what I happen to feel like listening to...mood changes so does the music. Right now I need mellow so these guys are it.

Well the dog is voicing her disapproval at being left outside by herself. Crazy thing doesn't really pay attention to me when I am there but she wants to know where I am at all times!

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 10, 2007 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the .


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